visitQuadrille(quadrille, fx, values)

p5.js function that selectively visits cells in the quadrille with specified values, executing the given fx function on each cell. This function takes (row, col) as parameters to define the cell’s position.

Example #

The sketch below implements a visit to the upper quadrille, clearing yellow and blue cells that have more than two neighbors, and stores the result in the lower quadrille:

let source, target;
Quadrille.cellLength = 20;
const w = 600 / Quadrille.cellLength;
const h = 400 / Quadrille.cellLength;
let yellow, blue, red;

function setup() {
  createCanvas(600, 400);
  yellow = color('yellow');
  red = color('red');
  blue = color('blue');
  source = createQuadrille(w - 2, (h / 2) - 2, 30, yellow);
  source.rand(30, blue).rand(30, red);
  target = source.clone();
  visitQuadrille(source, (row, col) => {
    if (source.ring(row, col).order > 3) {
      target.clear(row, col);
  }, [yellow, blue]);

function draw() {
  drawQuadrille(source, { outline: 'white', row: 1, col: 1 });
  drawQuadrille(target, { outline: 'cyan', row: (h / 2) + 1, col: 1 });
The values array must contain references to the exact instances used to fill the quadrille. For example, if cells in the quadrille were filled using variables like yellow (defined as color('yellow')), the values array must include yellow itself, not a new instance created with color('yellow').

Syntax #

visitQuadrille(quadrille, fx, values)

Parameters #

quadrilleQuadrille: The quadrille to be visited
fxFunction: A function of the form fx(row, col) to be executed on each cell matching values
valuesIterable: Cells to visit; all cells are visited if this parameter is undefined