
Selectively draws cells in the quadrille based on the specified values, and skips tiles of unselected cells. This feature is often paired with a reference quadrille used to define the tiles.

Example #

(click on canvas and press any key to randomize q)

Quadrille.cellLength = 20;
Quadrille.outlineWeight = 1;
Quadrille.outline = '#101010';
// Reference quadrille (tile) used for tile display
let tile, q;
let yellow, blue, red;
let yellowBox, blueBox, redBox, tileBox;
let values = [];

function setup() {
  createCanvas(600, 400);
  yellow = color('lemonchiffon');
  red = color('tomato');
  blue = color('skyblue');
  // Create quadrilles
  tile = createQuadrille(30, 20);
  q = createQuadrille(30, 20).rand(200, yellow).rand(200, blue).fill(red);
  // Create checkboxes
  yellowBox = createCheckbox('Yellow', true).position(10, 10).changed(update);
  blueBox = createCheckbox('Blue', true).position(10, 30).changed(update);
  redBox = createCheckbox('Red', false).position(10, 50).changed(update);
  tileBox = createCheckbox('Toggle tile', true).position(10, 70);
  // Initialize values array

function draw() {
  // Draw q with values controlled by checkboxes
  drawQuadrille(q, { tileDisplay: 0, values });
  // Optionally draw tile for tile display
  tileBox.checked() && drawQuadrille(tile);

function update() {
  values = [];
  yellowBox.checked() && values.push(yellow);
  blueBox.checked() && values.push(blue);
  redBox.checked() && values.push(red);

function mousePressed() {
The values array must contain references to the exact instances used to fill the quadrille. For example, if q was filled with the variable yellow, which holds the value color('lemonchiffon'), the values array must include the yellow variable itself, not a new instance created with color('lemonchiffon').

The && operator in the update() function acts as a short-circuiting conditional. If the condition before && is true (e.g., yellowBox.checked()), the expression after && (e.g., values.push(yellow)) is executed. This makes the code concise and avoids the need for if statements.
For example:

yellowBox.checked() && values.push(yellow);

is equivalent to:

if (yellowBox.checked()) {

Syntax #

drawQuadrille(quadrille, { values })

Parameters #

valuesIterable: Specifies which cells to draw; tiles of unselected cells are skipped. All cells are drawn if this parameter is undefined