fill(color1, color2)

Fills all cells in the quadrille with a chessboard pattern.

Example #

(click or press any key to toggle between filling and clearing the quadrille)

Quadrille.cellLength = 20;
let board = true;
let quadrille;

function setup() {
  createCanvas(400, 400);
  quadrille = createQuadrille(20, 20);
  quadrille.fill('cyan', 'red');  // create a chessboard pattern with given colors

function draw() {
  drawQuadrille(quadrille, { tileDisplay: board ? 0 : Quadrille.tileDisplay });

function mouseClicked() {
  board = !board;
  board ? quadrille.fill('cyan', 'red') : quadrille.clear();

function keyPressed() {
  board = !board;
  board ? quadrille.fill('cyan', 'red') : quadrille.clear();

Syntax #

fill(color1, color2)

Parameters #

color1p5.Color | String: The color used for the light squares of the chessboard pattern. Can be a p5.Color instance or an HTML color string (e.g., 'red', '#ff0000', 'rgb(255,0,0)')
color2p5.Color | String: The color used for the dark squares of the chessboard pattern. Can be a p5.Color instance or an HTML color string