clear(row, col, directions)

Clears a specific cell and all connected cells in the quadrille based on the specified directions, using a flood fill algorithm.

Example #

(click on any cell to perform flood fill based on selected directions; press any key to reset)

Quadrille.cellLength = 20;
let quadrille;
let mode;

function setup() {
  createCanvas(400, 400);
  mode = createSelect();
  mode.option('flood fill 4-directions');
  mode.option('flood fill 8-directions');
  mode.selected('flood fill 4-directions');

function draw() {

function mouseClicked() {
  const row = quadrille.mouseRow;
  const col = quadrille.mouseCol;
  const directions = mode.value() === 'flood fill 4-directions' ? 4 : 8;
  quadrille.clear(row, col, directions);

function keyPressed() {

function reset() {
  quadrille = createQuadrille(20, 20, 100, color('red'));
  quadrille.rand(100, color('lime')).rand(100, color('blue'));

Syntax #

clear(row, col, directions)

Parameters #

rowNumber: row index of the cell to start clearing [0..height]
colNumber: column index of the cell to start clearing [0..width]
directionsNumber: Number of directions for flood fill (4 or 8), default is 4