search(pattern, strict)

Searches for pattern within this quadrille and returns an array of {row, col} matches. The array length may be 0 if no matches are found. In strict mode (i.e., strict = true), for a pattern to be successfully found within a quadrille, the values inside the pattern must be identical instances to those in the quadrille. Conversely, in non-strict mode (i.e., strict = false), only the presence of filled cells is required, without regard for their contents.

For instance, here:

let value;
let quadrille, pattern;

function setup() {
  value = createColor('blue'); // 'blue' is created once and stored in 'value'
  quadrille = createQuadrille([125, value, 'hi']); 
  pattern = createQuadrille([value, 'hi']);
  // quadrille and pattern share the same 'blue' instance stored in 'value'
  //, 1) ===, 0) // is true, true); // finds it
  //, false); // would find it as well

both quadrille and pattern are using the same instance of the color 'blue' stored in the variable value. Therefore, when comparing the values in quadrille and pattern, they match in memory reference.

Whereas here:

let quadrille, pattern;

function setup() {
  quadrille = createQuadrille([125, createColor('blue'), 'hi']);
  pattern = createQuadrille([createColor('blue'), 'hi']);
  // quadrille and pattern have their own separate instances of 'blue'
  //, 1) ===, 0) // is false, true); // doesn't find
  //, false); // would find it

quadrille and pattern are using different instances of the color 'blue', created separately by two calls to createColor('blue'). Even though both instances represent the color 'blue', they are distinct objects in memory. Therefore, when comparing the values in quadrille and pattern, they don’t match in memory reference.

Example #

(click cells to edit pattern and quadrille; left / right arrow keys to move to next found hit)

const COLS = 20, ROWS = 14;
let grid, pattern, board, hint;
let col1 = 7, row1 = 1;
let col2 = 1, row2 = 6;
let colors;
let back, tomatoColor, limeColor, slateblueColor;
let hit = 0, hits;
let mode, strict;

function setup() {
  back = color('darkkhaki');
  tomatoColor = color('tomato');
  limeColor = color('lime');
  slateblueColor = color('slateblue');
  colors = {
    tomato: tomatoColor,
    lime: limeColor,
    slateblue: slateblueColor
  Quadrille.cellLength = 30;
  createCanvas(COLS * Quadrille.cellLength, ROWS * Quadrille.cellLength);
  grid = createQuadrille(COLS, ROWS, COLS * ROWS, back);
  mode = createSelect();
  mode.position(10, height + 15);
  strict = createCheckbox('strict', false);
  strict.position(100, height + 15);'color', 'magenta');

function draw() {
  drawQuadrille(grid, { outlineWeight: 0.5 });
  drawQuadrille(pattern, { col: col1, row: row1, outline: 'yellow' });
  drawQuadrille(board, { col: col2, row: row2, outline: 'magenta' });
  if (hits.length > 0) {
    hit = ((hit % hits.length) + hits.length) % hits.length;
    drawQuadrille(hint, { row: row2 + hits[hit].row, 
                          col: col2 + hits[hit].col, outline: 'yellow' });

function keyPressed() {
  if (hits.length) {
    hit += (keyCode === LEFT_ARROW) ? -1 : (keyCode === RIGHT_ARROW) ? 1 : 0;
  if (key === 'r') {

function mouseClicked() {

function fillQuadrille(quadrille) {
  const row = quadrille.mouseRow;
  const col = quadrille.mouseCol;
  const value = mode.value();
  mode.value() === 'clear' ? quadrille.clear(row, col) : 
                             quadrille.fill(row, col, colors[mode.value()]);

function reset() {
  pattern = createQuadrille(int(random(4, 8)), int(random(2, 5)));
  pattern.rand(int(pattern.size * 0.3), tomatoColor);
  board = createQuadrille(18, 7);
  board.rand(30, tomatoColor).rand(30, limeColor).rand(30, slateblueColor);

function update() {
  hits =, strict.checked());
  hint = pattern.clone();
  hint = Quadrille.neg(hint, color(red(back), green(back), blue(back), 210));
  • The reset function initializes the pattern and board quadrilles with random sizes and colors. The pattern is smaller and random, while the board represents the larger search area, containing various colors. This setup is useful for generating new data sets to test the search functionality.
  • The update function recalculates the matches (stored in the hits array) between the pattern and the board quadrilles. It also creates a hint quadrille, which visually highlights the current pattern match during navigation. Without update, the application would not reflect changes after editing or randomizing quadrilles.

Syntax #

search(pattern, [strict = false])

Parameters #

patternQuadrille: pattern to be searched
strictBoolean: If false (default), searches only the presence of filled cells; if true, searches for identical value instances