Cell Contents

These methods focus on determining the value and type of cells at a specific (row, col) position:

Example #

(hover over a cell to view its contents)

let ps; // Image variable
let font; // Custom font
let quadrille;
let yellow, blue, red;
let value; // Checkbox for display toggle

function preload() {
  // Load image and font in preload
  ps = loadImage('/images/pola.jpg');
  font = loadFont('/fonts/noto_sans.ttf');

function setup() {
  createCanvas(6 * Quadrille.cellLength, 4 * Quadrille.cellLength, WEBGL);
  yellow = color('yellow');
  blue = color('blue');
  red = color('red');
  // Quadrille containing cell functions and other content
  quadrille = createQuadrille([
    ['hi', 100, ps, pulse, null, 0],
    [null, yellow, pulse, ':)'],
    [null, blue, pulse, 255, ':p'],
    [null, red, null, 185, ';)', pulse]
  // Method to determine cell type
  quadrille.cellType = function (row, col) {
    if (this.isImage(row, col)) return `image`;
    if (this.isNumber(row, col)) return `number`;
    if (this.isColor(row, col)) return `color`;
    if (this.isFunction(row, col)) return `function`;
    if (this.isObject(row, col)) return `object`;
    if (this.isString(row, col)) return `string`;
    if (this.isArray(row, col)) return `array`;
    if (this.isEmpty(row, col)) return `empty`;
  // Method to determine cell value
  quadrille.cellValue = function (row, col) {
    return this.isFilled(row, col) ? this.read(row, col) : 'null';
  // Create checkbox
  value = createCheckbox('Display Value', false); // Default to false
  value.position(10, height + 10); // Position checkbox

function draw() {
  // Draw q1
  drawQuadrille(quadrille, { origin: CORNER });
  // Interactive cell details for quadrille

function displayCellDetails(quadrille, offsetX = 0) {
  const row = quadrille.mouseRow;
  const col = quadrille.mouseCol;
  // Check if row and col are within bounds
  if (
    row >= 0 && row < quadrille.height && // Row is within bounds
    col >= 0 && col < quadrille.width    // Column is within bounds
  ) {
    const x = col * Quadrille.cellLength + offsetX - width / 2 + 5;
    const y = row * Quadrille.cellLength - height / 2 + 15;
    const prefix = `cell(${row}, ${col}) ${value.checked() ? 'value' : 'type'}:`;
    const cellString = value.checked()
      ? quadrille.cellValue(row, col)
      : quadrille.cellType(row, col);
    text(`${prefix}\n${cellString}`, x, y);

function pulse() {
  const l = Quadrille.cellLength / 2;
  const radius = map(sin(frameCount * 0.1), -1, 1, 5, l);
  circle(0, 0, radius);
  • This example builds on the createQuadrille(jagged_array) approach—check it out to understand the foundation.
  • Dynamic Quadrille Methods: The cellType and cellValue methods are appended to the quadrille object, allowing runtime customization without requiring subclasses. These methods leverage most of the cell content accessors discussed in this section (is* methods for type checking and read(row, col) for value retrieval, respectively).
  • Positioning in displayCellDetails: Text positioning dynamically accounts for canvas centering and padding; abstracting this logic can simplify reuse.
  • Interactive Features: A checkbox toggles between displaying cell type or value, while the pulse function provides animated cell feedback.